Me must seems Himself. we just got us Homo sacer. He was freed, but was not relieved. He dont know Torahתּוֹרָה, couldnt cantillate Talmud,yeh. His mother was warmth of the filth. His pillow was the hardness of the dead .
Hurvinek(174517) He just a burning thirsty. Hurvinek(174517) Thirsty just what he was. Hurvinek(174517) He just be starving. Hurvinek(174517) Starving just what he was.
Soul such as the dust of the corner without what is threatened by anyone. His silent eyes got surpass the language. Henek got resist on The bed of the perception. He said Hurvinek got word such "mastiqro".
Hurvinek(174517) He just a burning thirsty. Hurvinek(174517) Thirsty just what he was. Hurvinek(174517) He just be starving. Hurvinek(174517) Starving just what he was.
Hear his mutter without the gravepost.
[zizek in coma 2nd album short sample :For Baby at Auschwitz ,(174517)prisoner Number ] #Thanks to Giorgio Agamben#
zizek in coma is dark dense band since 2009, zizek in coma is oficiallllly dark dense band since 2010, formerly members of Dia,Overdose Kunst, Nukey pikes(Now replaced),KolSonzlgn. 2011 nwobhm era guitarist ;mickey Nakayama belongs to zizek in coma . zizek in coma belongs to net based indie label usyukuro.
Each Thursday in the Disquiet Junto group on and, a new compositional challenge is set before the group’s members, who then have just over four days to upload a track in response to the assignment. Membership in the Junto is open: just join and participate.
Tracks will be added to this playlist for the duration of the project:
This assignment was made in the evening, California time, on Thursday, May 21, 2015, with a deadline of 11:59pm wherever you are on Monday, May 25, 2015.
Disquiet Junto Project 0177: Netlabel Portrait
Use samples of recent Dark Winter Records releases to produce a sonic image of the label.
Every couple of months the Disquiet Junto hosts a netlabel remix. All of the source audio for a netlabel remix is available for free, non-commercial download and creative reuse thanks to a Creative Commons license. This series of “netlabel remixes” is intended to promote that sort of thoughtful, collaborative sharing.
The netlabel Dark Winter has already released three albums this year. We’re going to use a snippet of one track from each of those records, and in combining them produce a kind of sonic snapshot of the label.
Step 1: Create a new piece of music by using nothing but the following segments of the following songs:
Use the first 30 seconds from “Part 1″ off Scott Lawlor’s World of Ice and Snow:
Use the first 30 seconds from “Underground Shelter” off Nadador Nocturno’s Harsh Winters in the Distance:
Use the first 30 seconds from “DSM III – The Cristalline Entity” off Ovdk vs Seetyca’s Allegorik Symptom Before the Cataclysm:
Step 2: Upload your track to the Disquiet Junto group on SoundCloud.
Step 3: Then listen to and comment on tracks uploaded by your fellow Disquiet Junto participants.
Deadline: This assignment was made in the evening, California time, on Thursday, May 21, 2015, with a deadline of 11:59pm wherever you are on Monday, May 25, 2015.
Length: The length of your finished work should be roughly between one minute and four minutes.
Upload: Please when posting your track on SoundCloud, only upload one track for this assignment, and include a description of your process in planning, composing, and recording it. This description is an essential element of the communicative process inherent in the Disquiet Junto. Photos, video, and lists of equipment are always appreciated.
Title/Tag: When adding your track to the Disquiet Junto group on, please include the term “disquiet0177-netlabelportrait” in the title of your track, and as a tag for your track.
Download: Set your track as downloadable, and that it allows for attributed remixing (i.e., a Creative Commons license permitting non-commercial sharing with attribution), per the license of the source audio.
Linking: When posting the track, please be sure to include this information:
More on this 177th Disquiet Junto project — “Use samples of recent Dark Winter Records releases to produce a sonic image of the label” — at: